Sunday, February 22, 2015


It's officially busy season for Kevin which means we hardly see him. He usually gets to see Carter in the morning before he leaves but by the time he gets home Carter is in bed already. All I can say, is I can't wait until May when things start to slow down.
I had a good birthday. We went to my parents house and spent the day. I just love watching them love on Carter:) Kevin took good care of me and let me take a nap:)
It's been a pretty nice winter so Carter and I can usually go on at least a couple of walks or jogs a week, which I've found are pretty essential to me having a good day. It just makes all the difference being able to get outside. I took Carter to the park one day, but he is just still too little to really enjoy it. He likes the swings...I think, but that's really all we can do there. I'm excited for this summer when he can enjoy it a little more. Carter and I spend most of our days playing peek-a-boo, reading books, and just playing. Sometimes I spread out the errands I need to run over a few days just so I can have something to do and get out of the house.  I've been able to do a few takes me like a month to finish one small thing cause I can really only work on them when Carter is sleeping. But there is nothing I'd rather do than play with my sweet boy:)
Carter had his first fever a couple of weeks ago which was no fun. He had a fever for two days and then was just plain old grouchy for the whole week. I was sure it was an ear infection so I took him to the doctor but that wasn't it. So then I thought it was his teeth coming in but the still aren't in but he has been much happier this week. Guess I'll never know...I sure don't like having a sad baby though. Here's some pictures from the month.
Carter loves to crawl under things. He tries to squeeze through the smallest places...I don't get what is so fun about it but I thought he might like a fort so we made one. And he loved it!

I tried finger painting through I plastic bag with Carter. I saw it on Pinterest and thought he would like it...but he didn't really get it.

He loves making messes! But I don't care because the cookie cutters kept him busy so I could make dinner.

Reading in his fort with dad

Wearing overalls that my brothers wore. He looked so cute in them!

We met Kevin for lunch! We were both very happy to be able to spend some time with Kevin during the day.

Playing at the park

Learning to use his walker.

Valentine's day banner that I made.

Sometimes we like to take selfies:)

Playing at the library

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