Here are some pictures of what we've been up to lately.
Carter loves to swing. And I love the increase of park days we can have because of the nice weather:)
Carter LOVES a lot. He also loves to sit in the rocking chair, although he mostly likes to stand in it and rock back and forth.
He had to have all his books in his crib with him.
Carter's favorite reading spot is behind the rocking chair:) He gets his blanket and drags some books back and just flips through the pages. He is so cute.
I find Carter in his room like this several times a day. He sure loves his books. I hope he always loves to read.
Yay for temple date with my man! I loved nursing Carter, but I have to say it was so nice to have my mom babysit and I could leave whenever I wanted and come back whenever I wanted. We even got to go to lunch too because there was no rush to get home:)
I love this family of mine
This is how Carter sleeps. He is the cutest and he loves to snuggle his giraffe blanket from Aunt Caren.
Yay for free cone day at dairy queen! Carter enjoyed it very much!
Carter is a very good grocery shopping companion...most of the time. Sometimes there are days like this where he refuses to sit in his seat so I have to put him in the cart.

And then we come home and he likes to help unload the groceries (but mostly look in mom's purse for her wallet and pull out all her cards)
And sometimes he finds the bananas and decides to have a taste.
And sometimes he is so starving and gets so frustrated that he can't open the loaf of bread that he crawls down the hall dragging it behind him crying like the world is ending, all while mommy is just trying to go potty.(fyi-I don't starve my child, he ate lunch literally an hour before this...he is an animal)
Sometimes me and Carter like to take selfies and he is really cute
Sleepover at Grandma's! Kevin was out of town so we had a sleepover. Carter seriously HATES sleeping in the pack and play so we pushed the bed up against the wall and he slept all night! He likes to sleep sideways's amazing how much room this little guy can take up in a bed so I didn't sleep all night but at least I wasn't up with a crying baby.
Carter's favorite toy at grandma's-a remote control car
A close second is this box of hotwheels and little garage. He will sit and play with this for 20 minutes. It is amazing, he never sits that still and focused on one thing for so long.
Grandma let Carter pull out all her tupperware:)
Playing piano with dad
We love to go to the beach! We had a blast. He loved digging in the sand and watching the waves. I think we will be doing this a lot this summer.
Reading with daddy after church.
This is how I found Carter after his nap one day...he is a monster. I have no idea how he got his arm out of the sleeve.
Helping mom make breadsticks.
That face...
Playing peek-a-boo. It's the cutest thing I have ever seen.
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