Playing at Grandma's house
I got to go out with my old roommates. It is always a blast when we get together and my cheeks were hurting by the end of the night from laughing so hard! Love these girls!
Carter loves stuffed animals. He is so cute, he likes to snuggle with them. He was just beyond happy when we got this out for him to play with.
Carter LOVED this dog. Maybe a little too much...poor dog got tired of Carter I think. Carter would get the biggest smile anytime the dog came near him and he would crawl around after him everywhere.
Carter got really good at climbing stairs while we were there
I got to see some other old roommates. It was so fun having lots of old friends to hang out with!
And Carter got to meet his best friend Parker for the first time!
Carter also got his first pet...I think there were four goldfish to start. We got them at a white elephant gift exchange. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately they all died within the week.
Silly baby
Christmas morning!
Carter liked the bows and paper of course!

We had a white Christmas! We took Carter out in the snow and he was so funny. He just flopped right over and then tried to eat it. I don't think he liked the cold on his face though.
Loving the Christmas lights
We spent an afternoon with my sister while we were there. This is the only picture I have. But Carter had lots of fun while we were there. He is trying to get a phone that is down his shirt:) She has a big love sac at her house and Carter loved it. He would just snuggle into it and sit on it and bounce. It was so cute.
Headed home
Carter enjoyed sitting in the big chair before the person next to us took their seat. Carter was a great flier for both flights. And the flight there was even super early in the morning. He did so well!
When we came home we stayed with my parents for a few days so they could all play with Carter and so we had a little Christmas with them. We didn't want to pack Carter's present from Santa with us so he opened it then. He loves his walker! He doesn't quite know how to walk behind it yet but he sits in front of it and plays with it and it plays music which he loves!
My sister made this cute teddy bear for Carter!
We had a wonderful holiday! I think the best part was having Kevin around all day everyday. It was hard when he had to go back to work but we are getting back into our routine again.
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