Saturday, October 11, 2014

Catching up

This post is basically just a lot of pictures of Carter...enjoy!

Scooting around and getting into things.   Carter decided to try and eat Kevin's Preach my Gospel, I have since put things on the bottom shelf that are ok for Carter to get, I don't know what I'll do when he can pull himself up and get to the top shelf too.

He loves to play on our bed! Especially when we bounce on it.

Playing outside at grandma's house. I think he would be content to sit outside all day and just look around

Licking peas off of his tray...what a weird baby

Admiring himself in the mirror at Grandma's

And then trying to eat his face...

Playing with Grandpa. Carter has recently fallen in love with my dad, he gives him the biggest smiles and loves to play with him and visit him in his office. They are the cutest little buddies.

Just chillin'

This is what Carter does all day, sits at the window, begging me to take him out, its really cute.

Trying to get into the box of apples

He loves to play under the table

Giving me kisses:)

Yay for being able to sit up in the shopping cart!

Begging me to take him outside again

Handsome baby ready for church

We gave Carter his first rice cracker. I wasn't sure what he would do with it because he has never fed himself before. I tried giving him some banana once but he just squished it. But he devoured this thing! He just took a big bite and next time I looked over it was gone.

One night he decided he wanted to stay up late with us. He was being so sad and crying in his crib which he usually doesn't do so we brought him out and he was just being the happiest baby so he got to stay up and play a little longer.

Playing in the laundry basket

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