Carter turned 3 months old on May 20th. He is such a sweet little boy and we love him so much! He is still very smiley, especially for Kevin. He is so cute and just stares and smiles at Kevin any time he is in the room, even if he is supposed to be eating or sleeping he just gets the sweetest little grin on his face. He swats at toys now but doesn't grab them yet. He loves to just hold his hands up and stare at them and suck on his fist. He is getting so good at holding his head up and likes to look all around. He sleeps between 7-9 hours a night although this last week he has decided he needs a midnight snack again...hopefully it is just a growth spurt and he goes back to sleeping through the night. He loves to talk and read books and blow bubbles with his mouth. He rolled over from tummy to back a few days after he turned 3 months...really he just tipped over but I'm still proud of him and he has done it several times since. We are still working on getting him to laugh, he has only done it a few times.We are having so much fun and feel so blessed to be able to raise such a sweet, funny little boy. We love our Carter! Here are some pictures from the month...sorry, kind of a lot, its hard to choose which ones.

Happy baby:)
3 months old
Trying to get his toys. He gets so focused:)
He has also developed a fascination with phones/cameras so he makes this face a lot when we try to take pictures of him. We have to distract him and then hurry and take it before he realizes what we are doing.
1 month, 2 months and 3 months old...he is getting so big!
He loves to play outside and look all around
He is one happy boy!
He also has learned that he likes to stand up and look around.
he likes to sit up too so he can see what's going on
reading books:)
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