Friday, August 22, 2014

6 months old!

How is it possible that I've had a baby for half of a year?! Time is flying by and Carter is getting so big.  His little personality is coming out and we are so in love with him.  He is a very chill baby, he likes to observe things a lot, he is so sweet and SO smiley. I don't know how I got so lucky. He had his check up this morning and weighed 15 lbs 4 oz and was 25.5 inches long. He likes to chew on everything, we loves to play outside. We always lay under a tree and he just watches the leaves blow in the wind and yells and talks the whole time. He had his first taste of solid food-he's tried rice cereal, sweet potato, avocado and green beans. He is ticklish on his tummy and thighs.  He does not like loud noises, he cries every time I use the blender and he does not like green beans. He wants to move so bad-he lays on his tummy and tries so hard to scoot forward but hasn't quite figured it out yet. He just lifts up his arms and legs and waves them around like he is trying to swim-it is quite hilarious, poor baby just wants to move.  I am just trying to enjoy my days of having a baby that isn't mobile yet, cause I know once he figures it out he will be trouble.
He loves to sit up like a big boy on the couch, he gives me a huge grin every time I let him sit there.

My sweet 6 month old

Always trying to grab everything

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